The club shall be called The Bristol and District Squash League
To promote and encourage the game of squash rackets through the running of competitive squash leagues. To promote and encourage the game of squash rackets in any other suitable manner.
Those clubs who have paid the appropriate team subscription for the appropriate league on time.
Members shall pay the subscriptions that are determined at the Club's AGM
The affairs of the club shall be managed by a Committee reporting periodically to a General Meeting. The Committee should include:
League Secretary(ies)
Plus other general members to a maximum of 12
Additional committee members may be co-opted by the Committee as appropriate.
The quorum for Committee meetings shall be 2 members and must include at least one from the Secretary, Treasurer or League Secretary(ies).
Committee members may hold more than one post at a time but will not have more than one vote.
Vacancies on the Committee occurring between General Meetings can be filled at the Committee's discretion and must be ratified at the next AGM.
The committee shall have the authority to act in all matters relating to the club and to employ the funds in what it judges to be the best interests of the objectives of the club. The committee's decision shall be final on all matters relating to the interpretation of this constitution.
In the event of a member of the club being aggrieved by the Committee, the appeal process is to put a formal motion to the next General Meeting of the Club.
The AGM of the Club shall be held in April, May or June each year.
Not less than 28 days written notice shall be given to the members stating the venue and time of the meeting.
Items of any other business must reach the Secretary in writing at least 21 days before the AGM
Not less than fourteen days written notice shall be given to members stating the business to be conducted at the AGM and a copy of the previous AGM's minutes provided.
Copies of the current year's audited accounts shall be available at the AGM. The accounts shall be audited by a responsible person external to the committee.
Mandatory items for the Agenda are:
Approval of Minutes
Matters arising from the minutes
Annual reports
Adoption of accounts
Appointment of Auditors
Election of the Committee
Any other Business
Each member shall have one vote.
A simple majority of votes carries the motion
All nominations for election to the committee shall be proposed and seconded by members able to vote at an AGM and shall be made in writing at least 21 days before the AGM. At the discretion of the committee, nominations may be accepted at the AGM
Not less than 12 members entitled to vote at an AGM are required to be present to constitute a quorum.
An Extraordinary General Meeting (EGM) may be called by the committee.
An EGM may be called by 3 members. A letter signed by all those calling for an EGM must be lodged with the secretary and the EGM must be held within thirty-five days of the receipt of such a letter. All those calling for an EGM must attend.
The notice requirement of an EGM shall be that as for an AGM
Voting entitlement, procedures and quorum requirement shall be the same for an AGM
Alterations to this constitution can only be made at a General Meeting and require a 75 % majority of the votes at the meeting.
No member may organise a team or event which may give the impression that it is organised by or represents the Club without prior approval of the Committee.
In the event of the Club being dissolved, the assets should be converted into cash in order to discharge any liabilities. Any balance remaining must be transferred to an organisation involved in the game of squash rackets as decided by a simple majority vote at the final General meeting. The quorum for such a meeting must be 50 % of the current members.
Distribution of club funds shall be made by the Committee to any cause of which it approves and meets with the aims and objectives of the club.